Friday, 17 February 2012


I was able to give two sessions at Langley today--both dealing with writing. The first, THE ONION AND YOUR ENGLISH CLASS, dealt with how teachers can get their students to understand and write about deeper layers in literature...especially poetry. The second, PUT THAT PEN TO PAPER, was about ways to get and keep kids writing in class. The feedback I got from teachers was SO POSITIVE! Here are a few samples:

  • "One of the best pro-d sessions I have attended for English teachers. I am a long-time provincial exam marker (and I think I'm pretty good at my job), but I learned some excellent strategies to extend what already works for me. Thanks!
  • "...we're already brainstorming ways we can incorporate your strategies into our classes."
  • "THANK YOU for engaging my mind, promoting higher level thinking and giving me some useful "go to" strategies."
  • "I will take the ONION idea and make a wall poster for my room."
  • "...enjoyed the variety of fun, creative ways we could teach the 6 TRAITS"
  • "Please keep doing what you're doing. We need more passionate teachers who care about writing."
  • "...the most useful pro-d activity I have been to--excellent resources!"
  • "Thank you for two fantastic sessions that gave us resources we could put into action in our classrooms next week..."
  • "I will use these strategies on Monday!"
  • "...wish you taught at my school so that I could pick your brain every day."
  • "I was having some difficulty with teaching the synthesis essay. You gave me some great techniques to use in my classroom!"
  • "I enjoyed your energetic presence and wish you could've had more time."
Ok, I'm going to call that one a success, yes? My head and ego are currently exploding with the praise...but it's always nice to know when you are connecting with your audience. I hope some of them will check into the blog and let me know what kinds of things they want to know about. I'm hoping to learn more from THEM too! For now, thank you Kathy, Christa, Jane, Michelle, Shannon, Linelle, Laura, Elisa, Stephanie, Penny, and the other 50 or so people I met in the workshops today. I had a blast and I am always excited to connect with others who have a passion for the printed word...MIRIFIC!