Saturday, 19 November 2011

WHERE DO IDEAS COME FROM? #003, in a series

Remember your TEENAGE years? They're emotional times, to be sure. Here are some lines from TEEN MAGAZINES to get you started...

  1. "What are friends for?"
  2. Competition brings out the worst in me.
  3. That's when he started behaving ... differently.
  4. "Fake it until you make it," she said.
  5. "I can handle this," I tell myself. "I can get through this."
  6. You come out of darkness in stages.
  7. "I just don't want to discuss it."
  8. Girls and guys clearly have very different ideas about what's attractive.
  9. I want to know who made up the rules, because the rules are lame.
  10. I usually try to wear something that has a lot of pockets.
  11. A bruise heals, but the way you feel about yourself takes a much longer time.
  12. He said he was going to kill himself.
And a bonus: 
  • I've learned that I want what I deny.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Ok, I was reading a memoir excerpt in The Walrus just after reading an unrelated sci-fi story. Suddenly, the two began to merge in my mind...and I banged out a short story over two consecutive nights--a story I love--probably the best short story I've written to date. I'm editing the heck out of it at the moment, but I KNOW I'm going to submit this one to SIWC Storyteller 2012. I'm exhausted, overworked, experiencing a great lack of sleep, and sicker than ever, but the creative mind continues to work overtime--proving that you just never know when inspiration may strike.

One thing I know for sure--when inspiration DOES come, I've learned to drop other things and GO FOR IT!


Sunday, 6 November 2011


Ok, AFTER I finished a YA entry for next year's SIWC contest based on the guidelines for 2011, I read the guidelines for the 2012 contest in the booklet of this year's winners...and see that for next year, THERE IS NO YA CONTEST! Arghhhh! They're down to three now. Since it's 1330 words, it's too long for a picture book, so I don't really foresee a market for it. Oh, well, I love the story ANYWAY, so this one's just for me, I guess...

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Ok, so it was roughly a week after the SIWC convention, and I was STILL running on pure adrenaline from it! I decided to put some of that energy into writing, of course, and I penned two poems I'm very proud of--one of which I think is contest-worthy for next year's SIWC contest. I have a second that I edited as per Patricia Young's suggestions, so that may be my second poetry entry.

Then I looked at the criteria for the writing for young readers challenge, and saw the 1500-word limit. 6 typed pages, eh? I started thinking about the kind of story that could be told in that small space. I started with character, then created a slightly humorous, slightly macabre situation to put her into, and then came up with a twist ending that can be interpreted two different ways. The end result, after many edits and much fine-tuning? My entry into the YA category for next year's SIWC contest! SWEET!

I don't think I'll try the nonfiction category, although I have published magazine articles and personal essays in the past. That leaves the storyteller category. I'm taking my time with that one--not rushing anything. I'm planning on reading PILES of short stories between now and then, studying pacing, setting, character, imagery, symbolism, figurative language--everything AND the kitchen sink, basically (hey, I have some good kitchen sink ideas, ok?). IF I come up with something I think can win it, I'll enter. If not, I'll chalk it up to more experience and learning for my writing obsession.

But three new pieces that I'm proud of? In a week? I LOVE SIWC! It's the energy drink for writers...