Saturday 19 November 2011

WHERE DO IDEAS COME FROM? #003, in a series

Remember your TEENAGE years? They're emotional times, to be sure. Here are some lines from TEEN MAGAZINES to get you started...

  1. "What are friends for?"
  2. Competition brings out the worst in me.
  3. That's when he started behaving ... differently.
  4. "Fake it until you make it," she said.
  5. "I can handle this," I tell myself. "I can get through this."
  6. You come out of darkness in stages.
  7. "I just don't want to discuss it."
  8. Girls and guys clearly have very different ideas about what's attractive.
  9. I want to know who made up the rules, because the rules are lame.
  10. I usually try to wear something that has a lot of pockets.
  11. A bruise heals, but the way you feel about yourself takes a much longer time.
  12. He said he was going to kill himself.
And a bonus: 
  • I've learned that I want what I deny.

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