Sunday 23 October 2011

BAD LUCK that turned GOOD?

I had a tremendous bit of bad luck today. That's right--BAD LUCK that was good for me. While I was lining up  to get appointments with agents today, the names of two of the ones I wanted to get appointments with were rubbed off the board. I was about to turn tail when another YA writer told me about an agent who didn't have YA in her bio description, but who had agented many YA books to publication. I decided to give her a try.

As the volunteer organizers started walking down the line to see who each person was hoping to get an appointment with, I was fourth from the front. Thank goodness none of the three in front of me wanted to see her, because she had one spot left and it was going to happen in about 5 minutes, so they pushed me to the front of the line. I met with her and pitched not one, but two of my YA novels.

The result? She asked me to send the first 100 pages of each to her! I also showed her a sample of the writing itself, and she said she liked my writing style--it was appropriate to the audience. What made me feel best of all was that she GOT my books...she even seemed excited to find out about them.

It felt...right.

I like her AND her energy, and I would do backflips through flaming hoops
 to have her represent me and my work.  I won't name names yet, but I am REALLY hoping this works out. We had a real connection and I think we'd work well together, so I can't wait to get her reaction to those 200 pages! Onwards!

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